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Kaluga Region, ObninskProject team:
Architecture: Eric BelousovDeveloper: LLC “Malachite Group”
Technical Director: Anton Safiulin
Equipment: ALEDO, IMG Lighting
26 June 2024 celebrates the 70th anniversary of the launch the world’s first nuclear power plant in the USSR.
On 29 April 2002 the reactor was stopped, and in 2009 a museum appeared on the territory of the station and the NPP was given the status of «Industry Memorial Complex».
Built in the city of Obninsk, on the territory the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering in record time, the small capacity nuclear power plant became a symbol of the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

The first NPP frozen in time like in amber is a silent witness of epochs

The cold diffused light that permeates the spaces gives them significance.
Coloured light plays an important role in creating an atmosphere, becoming an associative element for the viewer, where yellow-red shades symbolize the blossoming of enerfy and power, and blue ones – cooling and peace.

Colored combination of warm and cold light is the core of the light scenography of the exhibition space.

The corridors and halls, decorated with cables and equipment, seem to be waiting to recreate their true purpose. In each of them lurks a unique story that permeates the walls and gives a sense of inherent power.